Excerpts from the CSR Report
is now

Dear readers,
our world is subject to constant change. Events and crises are overflowing, negative reporting in the media prevails. Industries are changing rapidly and are facing global challenges.
In these turbulent times, we at Runden Group want to represent a safe, reliable constant – for our employees, business partners and, above all, for our environment.
You can’t close your eyes to the obvious: It’s time for acts. Acts with a positive impact. Acts that have a comprehensive impact. Acts that strengthen our community and diversity. Acts that shape our future.
Because our future is now.
Improving the world from the Oldenburg Münsterland? Ambitious, but possible.
Our companies are already ensuring on a day-to-day basis that disposable waste is avoided, transport links are shortened all over Europe or even zero energy buildings are being built.
We want to help shape the future on the basis of the European Green Deal.
In order to be able to do this, the conviction and the help of all employees and (potential) stakeholders are required. Because we believe not only in the force of our actions, but also in the force of synergy effects.
In our day-to-day work, we repeatedly experience how excellently our companies complement each other with different business fields and contribute to our overriding goal.
Our products and services fit in where it makes sense and where it is necessary to establish more sustainable processes at the corporate and industrial level.
The guiding theme of our first CSR report is therefore “Positive impact through synergy” – with the bundled efforts of our employees, our Europe-wide network and innovative technologies, we are already making the world a little more sustainable.
We mean business and take responsibility for our acts.
We are pleased to be able to present to you with this report which milestones we have already achieved and which goals we are still pursuing.
I wish you informative moments with our sustainability report and hope that it will open the dialog to all interested parties and perhaps even create unimagined synergy effects.
Please feel free to contact us using the contact details listed in the report.
Let’s create a more positive future together.
I am looking forward to a constructive exchange!
Your Lisa Runden
ESG | sustainability management

The shortage of specialists and personnel bottlenecks in many industries point up that nowadays no enterprise can afford to live exclusively top-down management.
The Runden Group is also affected by the war for talent – although the head offices in the Oldenburg Münsterland are attractive for many locals, families and people who live in close touch with nature, notwithstanding, more is needed to convince suitable professionals and to be able to retain them sustainably.
We rely on:
- individual responsibility
- independence
- trust
- pleasant working atmosphere on a level playing field
- sense of community through team actions
- further training opportunities
We work continuously on optimizing occupational safety for all divisions.
More information on the social interaction between employees and managers as well as the pillars of partner and supplier relations are recorded in our code of conduct.
Measures at a Glance
ergonomic workstations
- decrease of postural defects
- promotion of stream of consciousness
- prevent other diseases
company sports
- create work compensation
- mobility promotion
- stress relief
- create work compensation
- mobility promotion
- stress relief
employee assistance program (EAP)
- support for psychosomatic disturbances / abnormalities in order to be able to take countermeasures at an early stage
preventive check-up (blood count)
- support of personal health precaution in order to proactively reduce or even prevent health risks
obligatory provisions G37, G25, G20, G42, G39
- assurance of workplace-related health counseling
- prevention and early diagnosis of work-related illnesses or occupational diseases
company health insurance
- improvement of the healing process
- support of personal health precaution
city cycling
- create work compensation
- mobility promotion
- stress relief
serving fruit and water
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle
The Paris Agreement of 2015 sets the goal of limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees. Runden Group proclaims this goal and relies on concrete and ambitious measures to contribute to it.
The Runden Group is already taking active measures in all companies: be it by conversion and renovation of the entire building infrastructure into net zero buildings or by implementing energy efficiency measures and using alternative fuels in the technologically more advanced business areas.
Several measures must be adopted to reduce our emissions in the long term and to preserve the climate:
- testing and implementing alternative drives in the transport sector
- CO2 savings due to Europe-wide pooling network
- conversion / new construction of net zero emission buildings
- production of green electricity, widespread use of photovoltaics
- promotion of further cradle-to-cradle certifications for all Property Of re-usable transport packaging
The message on July 28, 2022 was serious:
The year drew not nearly to a close and yet humanity had already reached Earth Overshoot Day. This means that from that day on, more resources have been consumed than can be renewed naturally within a year. In Germany it was already May 4.
At this stage, humanity consumes 74 % more than ecosystems can regenerate – a staggering and alarming reality in other figures: Mankind consumes 1.74 earths.
So the fact is: We consume too many resources and have to rethink.
As a service provider in the field of re-usable transport packaging, WBG-Pooling has been rethinking for 30 years and is working every day to make re-usable systems the standard in industrial supply chains. However, in order to be able to serve all customers Europe-wide, material must be used.
The advantage here is that the different plastic types are used for the products once and then survive at least 50 to 100 cycles or more unscathed. If a returnable transport packaging is damaged, it can be repaired without any problems until one day, sometimes after many years, it is irreparable.
Even then, however, the cost of materials was not useless and pursues the approach of a consistent circular economy: The irreparable product is granulated and later recycled to a new product. For all Property Of articles of WBG-Pooling, i.e., products that have a branding, it is the case that the recycled material is used to produce the original article again. Since July 2022, WBG-Pooling has a cradle-to-cradle certification for its WBG-Pooling BigBoxes 1000 at the silver level, which once again underlines this sustainable interaction with finite recyclable materials.
Green Business
Our claim: Combine responsible corporate management with positive effects on people, the environment and business.
As part of its product and program development, the Runden Group takes sustainable aspects into account and continually sets itself sustainable goals that are linked to innovations and social compatibility.
In our opinion, it is our entrepreneurial duty to take responsibility for our acts.
That is why we are building our business models on a closed-loop economy in order to go easy on resources, avoid waste and establish the returnable system as a standard in supply chains. The starting point for this objective is the specially created and lived seven R’s, which support us significantly in our daily business:
The Green Deal of the EU, which was adopted in 2019, as well as the 2030 Agenda for lasting development of the United Nations, which also includes the Sustainable Development Goals, function as a further foundation for our convictions.
Inside the
green hype
From 2025, the time has come: Large companies that meet certain criteria are now obliged to publish a sustainability report.
This poses a challenge to many and, above all, many questions: Where can I get the relevant data from? Which rules and basic conditions do I have to observe? Who writes the report and how do I publish it? Should additional marketing measures be planned for publication?
In order to provide support for these questions, the Runden Group has started the video podcast “Inside the green hype”. CEO and CSR manager Lisa Runden reports on the experience in her own company and welcomes guests who share their technical expertise in this field.
The episodes will be released on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and further platforms.