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Our Values

In 2022, the Runden Group developed a company-wide mission statement with responsible persons from all companies during several intensive workshop days.

The special aspect here was that not only the respective management collaborated on this, but representatives from all departments were also involved, so that there was a high identification potential.

Part of the mission statement is a common vision, individual mission per company and shared values that are considered important, desirable and morally correct. 

The resulting core values form the basis for the daily work and behavior of all employees in the corporate group. 

The following graphic summarizes the impressions of various participants.

Together we look back at the various levels and the relevance of our values and the development.

With corporate values, we provide additional orientation for executive leadership and all employees. Our colleagues should identify with the values, potential interested parties can use them to assess the corporate culture and evaluate for themselves whether it would tend to suit them.
Our values represent characteristics that are important to us and by which we act.


We live diversity, support exchange and benefit from different views, attitudes and experiences. For us, it is the individual with his or her personality and performance that counts. We live a straightforward cooperation. Diversity is the source of our qualitative result.


We take responsibility for the present and next generations and want to leave the world better than we entered it.
We behave consciously towards our environment and our fellow human beings and establish acceptance for sustainability.
With regard to the social aspect, we pay attention to each other as well as to a healthy work–life balance. Therefore, we handle our resources responsibly and attentively and economize sustainably.


We dare to try out new ways, let go of the familiar and actively shape the future. With a good balance of courage and realism, patience and perseverance, we are constantly learning and may also make mistakes along the way, which we use as an opportunity to steadily improve ourselves.
We create open spaces for inspiration and enhance exchange. By inviting everyone to contribute and mold their ideas, creativity emerges.


Our motivation is the enthusiasm for our work. Meaningful activities are important to us, so we want to do good with our work and enable change. We inspire and motivate each other and learn from each other.


Every day we demand the top of the line from us for our customers and team. We regularly put our performance on the test bench and modernize resources and work tools to ensure continuous improvement.
By bundling our capabilities and expertise, we can share our experiences and learn from each other. In addition, we regularly educate ourselves further, challenge and support each other.


Everyone is responsible for doing their job in the best possible way, so that we can give free space for the self-determined implementation and organization of the work. We act with consideration for each other, rely on individual strengths, abilities and talents in the team. At the same time, we think holistically and company-wide, emphasize the group and are loyal.
We stick by our statements and can rely on each other.


For us, the focus is on the human being. We behave fairly and respectfully towards our fellow men and meet each other on an equal footing. We express our opinion freely and honestly and maintain a transparent communication culture.
We are interested in the other one, ask and listen and give appreciative feedback, constructive criticism and show our gratitude.

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